Estate Planning for Essential Workers | Antanavage Farbiarz, PLLC

Essential Estate Planning for Essential Workers

What Do You Need to Know to Protect your Family?


April 21, 2020 at 4:00 PM

You may encounter difficulties if you become sick or pass away and your legal documents have not been reviewed in over three years, or if you have not created any legal documents at all.

Please Read On.

Attorney Russell E. Farbiarz invites you to join a free estate planning for essential workers webinar and learn how to ensure you carry out your wishes precisely as you desire. Even if you have an estate plan, you may have overlooked certain items or new laws that make your current plan outdated or ineffective.

Don’t procrastinate any longer; it’s time to take care of yourself and your loved ones! If you’ve delayed updating your estate plan or creating one, attending one of our upcoming webinars will provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding your affairs. Here are seven reasons why you should attend.

  1. You have adult kids who need protection around receiving money. Whether it is due to financial immaturity, a disability, or concerns about your child’s spouse…there are solutions.
  2. Life is complicated. Maybe you’re in a blended family with “steps,” ex’s, new spouses or family members who don’t get along. You want to make sure your family dynamics are accounted for and everyone is treated fairly in your plan.
  3. Your life is simple. Maybe you are one of the easy ones…. Everyone gets along and it’s all very straight forward…. but you still want to ensure that there are no surprises if something unexpected happens to you. You want it all to be clearly outlined, for your loved ones to have somewhere to turn for help, and for it to go as smoothly as possible.
  4. You’d like to keep Uncle Sam out of your pocket and away from your hard-earned money and your family’s inheritance.
  5. You know that families fight and fall apart after the death of a loved one. You want to spare your family from unnecessary drama and heartache.
  6. Privacy is important to you and you want to keep your family out of Probate Court when you die to avoid everyone’s name and inheritance details from being published in the paper for every scam artist to read about.
  7. You wonder…Will your old plan still work, after all these years? **There have been recent changes in the law that do impact older plans** and documents do become stale and then don’t work as intended.


Essential Estate Planning for Essential Workers Webinar

April 21, 2020 at 4:00 PM

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